Wednesday, December 27, 2006

friday, december 15th

we were to leave on thursday to have an extra day but, unfortunately, had to change our plans due to my meeting on friday morning. to save some time, while i was still at school vicky got the car - an almost brand new nissan tiida, which had only done 350km so far. probably the newest car i’ve ever been driving...
perth was freaking hot, the weekend was supposed to be even hotter, so we thought we were smart & lucky to leave 40c behind. yeah, right:) i had no idea i was going to miss the sun in a couple of days.

we left nedlands around noon and more than doubled the mileage going all the way to margaret river with just one stop in between. busselton (230km from perth) is a pretty little town surrounded by white-sand beaches. its main attraction though is the 2km jetty where sabina had to have a little photo shoot of course.
our next destination was margaret river. keps and i have been there before on a day trip but, honestly, the margaret river we were shown few months ago was not the margaret river i saw this time. it’s located 10km inland along the river that gives the town its name. the name "margaret river" refers to the whole region though. (and not just to the town itself) it is one of vicky’s favourite places in wa. why? if you think one cannot live on cheese, chocolate and wine only (and maybe some surfing in between), you have to come here. Seriously... there are more than 20 different surfing spots, 50 wineries, a chocolate factory and a cheese factory on the top of it all, so all you have to do is zipping up and down a road of your choice and filling your tummy with yummy food. we arrived at 5pm – too late for most of the "attractions" as they usually close at 5. luckily, we still found two wineries that were open, tasted at least 10 different wines, bought 3 bottles, stopped at prevelly park (= beach) and checked in at our first hostel in town. wanted to go to a pub to relax after all that driving, but skipped that part of the day, ate at a chinese place instead and went to sleep pretty soon. the backpackers was very busy and not the cleanest one but even though we shared the room with 6 more people i had a great 9 hour sleep!

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